The Godly Way

broken chain

The Godly Way Ministry seeks to:

Glorify the one, true God, creator, and savior, who was, is, and forever will be, and whose essential nature is righteousness, mercy, and love, And to draw believers closer to the only true God, and to His Son, Jesus Christ, radiating His Spirit in our lives as a bright, shining light for all to recognize what Christ has done for us. — May Christ be glorified in you!

And to save the lost who have never known the Love of God through Jesus Christ, and the joy of being free from fear, guilt, and sin. — The Lord is at the door! So, believe in Christ now!

A new world is coming! God will be there. “He will wipe away every tear from our eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain.”

My fervent hope is for all of us to be there with Him!

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