Forgive and Be Forgiven


“Imagine being dragged into the public square, accused of a terrible sin, and surrounded by people ready to kill you. This happened to a woman in the Bible who was caught in the act of adultery.”

“The religious leaders brought her to Jesus, asking if she should be stoned according to the law of Moses. They were trying to trap Him—would He uphold the law or show mercy?”

Jesus simply bent down and wrote in the sand. Then, He said, ‘Let anyone of you who is without sin cast the first stone.’”

“One by one, the accusers left, realizing their own sins. Then Jesus comforted the woman and said, ‘Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.’”

This story encourages us to be slow to judge and quick to show mercy, reminding us that true faith is always tempered with love and forgiveness.

John 8:1-11