About Mark Baird

It is my purpose and desire that this humble site provides you with the strength and inspiration you and I need to walk in ways that give glory to the Savior of the world. Let us all be ready to stand before his throne confidently and without guilt and shame. – He is coming soon!

Welcome fellow believers in the God of Abraham. Let’s enter into His presence together with praise and thanksgiving; for, He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all has graciously given us everything we need for living a godly life. Not one of us can say that we have achieved this; but by confidently accepting God free gift of the forgiveness of our sins, and by leaving behind those things that ensnared us, we can pursue the prize for which God has called us.

Our Holy Creator passionately desires that all people believe in and trust Him. It begins with admitting that we need Him to give us a new and better life. This is patiently accomplished in the lives of those who choose to pursue His ways, by the indwelling of God’s personal Spirit within our hearts. – Honestly, the path of righteousness that leads to eternal life is not always an easy path to follow. We wrestle with the contrary desires of our human body, and with evil spiritual forces that try to drive us away from worshipping and obeying the God of Heaven and earth. 

The Holy Spirit provides us with wisdom, hope, faith, and love. But without love, all the rest is worthless. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. It is He who has given us his example to follow. We are to love and trust him. And his command is for us to love and to serve each other, as the children of God. This love must also extend to all of those who are lost in this world. They live in darkness and their destiny is everlasting torment. Just as Christ wept for such as these, we also must have sincere compassion and loving concern for them. – “For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish” in that place of suffering and darkness; and instead, be transferred into the kingdom of the Son. Our high calling as Believers is to live and to love as Jesus did, and to be lights unto the world.

I hope that my videos, posts, and books, assist you as we eagerly await and look forward to the Kingdom of God to be established on earth. Maranatha! Hallelujah! Amen.

Mark Baird has been ministering God’s word for decades. He has established churches and home groups throughout Southern California, since his baptism with the Holy Spirit at Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa in 1969. His first ministry was with the “Hippies,” many of whom were earnestly seeking meaning and purpose in life, but with drugs and Eastern philosophies. He invited them to the Laguna Beach Presbyterian Church where he was the youth pastor. As many became Believers, they held mid-week potlucks at the church, and experienced the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit as they worshiped together. – But when these Hippies began attending the church’s Sunday service they were asked to leave because of their enthusiastic Amens and Hallelujahs during the sermons. – So, Mark began the “Laguna Church.”

When more mature pastors assumed leadership, Mark assisted in starting a church in Santa Barbara for the students attending the university there. – As he went door to door across the campus dorms, introducing himself and inviting them to church, Mark encountered several students who were young Vietnam War veterans. — The immense trauma that these young men where enduring broke his heart. — It was then, that God called him to a lifetime of service to US Military, Veterans, and their families. He joined with a US veteran of that war, and they scoured rescue missions and homeless encampments finding veterans and assisting them in rebuilding their lives. Together, they also started Vietnam War Recovery Groups in churches throughout Southern California. Mark also established home bible study groups in multiple towns in the area.

Mark has taught in schools, public and Christian, for many years. He loves teaching, and he coaches a variety of sports.

To support his ministry, he started a janitorial business and employed transitioning US Military personnel. And Mark has helped over 150 entrepreneurial US Veterans in starting successful businesses of their own. – In addition, Mark has created the 501c3 charity, Patriotic Hearts. It provides a unique community job board for residents to hire local US Military, Veterans, and their spouses to help with chores around their homes and yards, HirePatriots.com.

In addition, Mark endeavors to write inspirational books, posts, and videos to encourage people’s faith in the King eternal, immortal, the only true God, Jesus Christ.