Forgive and Be Forgiven


Our heavenly Father’s love and forgiveness is always available no matter how far we have strayed from Him.

God forgives us when we show genuine remorse. – “For he who confesses and forsakes their sins will receive mercy.”

Receive his unconditional love revealed in his Son. For Jesus did not come to judge us, but to rescue us from condemnation and to give us eternal life.

For “The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in love.”

Christ atoned for our sins on the cross. And whoever believes this will not perish but have eternal life.”

And we must also forgive others. “For if we refuse to forgive those who sin against us, then God will not forgive us.”

Through Christ we are forgiven even though we don’t deserve it.

Open your heart today and receive Our Father’s love and live with Him forever!