Jacob’s Ladder

Jacob's ladder

In the book of Genesis, we find the story of Jacob’s Ladder: Jacob, on a journey to find a wife, stops to rest for the night. He dreams of a magnificent ladder stretching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it.

At the top of the ladder stands the Lord, who promises Jacob descendants as numerous as the dust of the earth, and that all nations will be blessed through him. — God assures Jacob that He is with him and will protect him wherever he goes.

When Jacob awakens, he realizes he has encountered the divine. He names the place Bethel, meaning ‘House of God,’ and vows to honor the Lord.

Jacob’s Ladder teaches us that God is always present. It reminds us of His promises, His protection, and the love of God for humanity. No matter where we are, we can trust in God’s guidance and blessings.

Let us hold on to this lesson, knowing that we are never alone on our journey.