Never Give Up!


Although we fall, we shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds us with His hand.

Sometimes trying to live a godly life feels like trying to climb a greased pole.

Sin is slippery, and the gravity of our fallen nature works against us.

The apostle Paul gave his own testimony about this in Romans, saying, “Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me”

When we fall into sin, immediately confess it to God. Then resolve to do better with His help.

God will take us and uphold us, pressing us upward and onward in the glorious growth of godliness.

Proverbs says that a righteous person may fall many times but will rise again.

And the Psalmist say: “If we fall, we will not stay down, because the Lord will help us to stand”.

Dear brothers and sisters, never give up on seeking personal holiness!