When our Faith Fades

woman praying with jesus

Sometimes believers feel like the road is too hard for us to continue. But that is exactly where the Lord wants to be. Because “There is no gain without pain.” It is how lasting growth happens. — Why should it be any different when we seek to be strong in the Lord?

Our God is full of loving kindness towards us, and always hears whenever we cry out. He is patient as we pour out our sorrow, confusion, fear, and frustrations. And it is important that we do so.

But then we must allow for the Holy Spirit to compose our hearts and souls, and wait patiently for the Lord to answer us, while remembering the many blessings he has bestowed.  

Trust in God’s unfailing love; rejoices in your salvation. And praise the Lord, for he is good to us.

And remember, that “All things work together for good to those that Love God and are called to be his forever.”